To eat, or not to eat

Paleo, gluten-free, vegan, veggie-lite…there are so many “diets” or new ways of feeding your body that one could go completely insane. What does it all mean? Which one is good for me? Can I make up my own? Will I lose weight? STOP THE INSANITY!!!

We all know that diet and exercise are the keys to a healthy lifestyle. I believe that diet is so much more important. Not only because we spend more time eating during the day and are faced with emotions like temptation, stress, sheer laziness that we often pick the worse choice then feel bad about it. Keeping a good diet takes a lot of organisation and control. But it’s doable.

As I’ve said before, it’s as easy as eliminating wheat, diary and sugar from your menu. Because let’s be honest, Paleo which is “Atkins-light” as I call it, is fierce. And scary. Gluten-free is not worth it if you are REALLY determined and you have to eliminate ALL or nothing. And I mean all. No rice, no sauces, no nothing. You’d basically be a vegetarian. And veggies are definitely great, but I think I need a bigger fridge for it; way bigger fridge.

There is so much research out there that it could take you years of research even before changing your diet. The most important thing for any ones diet though is a few things to always keep in mind:
– Stop eating packaged foods. They’re over processed, have MSG them and when all is said and done, it’s really just corn
– Stop eating at “fast food” places that will add fat to your waistline fast
– Eat more fruits and vegetables, it’s easier than you think
– Eat less “enriched” wheat flour, do you even know what that is?
– Eat less meat, there are vegetables out there that pack more protein than animal meat

– Drink lots of water, your poop will thank you
These things and a few more have made me feel better and I have felt the difference before and after. It’s quite remarkable what your body does. I know this seems like a lot. But if you change just one thing and stick with it, I’m sure you’ll feel the difference too.


The importance of being earnest.

When I was in Grade 12, I did a scene from this play with my British friend. At the time, I had no clue what the play was about except some guy was pretending to be someone else to get married or something for a girl. I was thinking about this the other day when a friend said that she HAD to go to the gym cause she was going on a date later. I thought that was crazy that she was going to the gym to look good for someone else. I go to the gym because I know I will feel better. For myself.

New year, New you!


Phew! The holidays are over! If any of you work in retail, you know how I’m feeling. I’m getting off of practically working for the past two weeks straight. THANKFULLY, I saved Christmas about ten times. Ho, ho, ho! But I am sure glad that I can start eating on a regular schedule again, get more vegetables in and ALOT less sugar, wheat and dairy.

So let the cleanse begin…again! But it’s a different season that brings new veggies to try: parsnips, squashes, oranges are in season! Pomegranates and sweet Italian lemons . Maybe some smoked salmon? Herbs and stews, bakes and roasts. I’m looking forward to it. I have to fill my pantry with some good basics. Then fill my fridge with more. I’ll keep you posted on how things will unfold. Two days in and I already feel less bloated!


Nine maids a milking….

Milk jugs

Dairy, lactose-free, soy, almond, rice, coconut…all of these milk and milk alternatives line grocery shelves these days.  How do you choose when you’re deciding to go dairy-free?  Here’s a little bit of a low down for you…

The word dairy refers to milk-based products, derivatives and processes, and the animals and workers involved in their production.  Drinking cow’s milk does not only add extra fat calories not needed for your diet, it also increases your carbon footprint.  Without even going through the audacities that dairy farms put their cows through, this beverage should be taken out of your diet stat.

The Ecologist goes through a good listing of cows’ milk alternatives, but I’m going to try to go in a little bit deeper.

Soy milk is probably the most popular alternative to cow’s milk. Made out of soybeans with no casein (cow’s milk protein) and lactose, those with a milk allergy or are lactose intolerant can safely drink this alternative. For every 1 cup serving, soy milk ranges in calories from 80-140 calories and 1-5 g fat, depending on regular or light soy milk. One benefit of soy milk is that it has less saturated fat than whole milk. In addition, soy contains isoflavones that may be beneficial in preventing heart disease. Soy is very high in protein and may be a good substitute in replacing animal protein. Soy milk naturally contains isoflavones. Isoflavones act in a manner similar to the hormone estrogen (but are not actually estrogen). They are phytoestrogens, or plant-derived compounds with ‘estrogenic activity.’ Some studies have linked high consumption of these compounds with reduced or increased chances of breast cancer, but there is no conclusive evidence either way. The consumption of abnormally high levels of isoflavones is questionable, but regular consumption of soy milk and other sources of isoflavones is considered to be healthy.  One of the main drawbacks of soy milk as a milk replacement is its lower level of calcium. Unfortified soy milk contains about one-fourth the amount of calcium in milk. Fortified soy milk is often comparable to cow’s milk in its calcium levels, but some studies show that fortified calcium may not be as healthful as naturally occurring calcium.

For vegans and people who are lactose intolerant, the issue of calcium should be addressed through a more comprehensive dietary plan involving alternate sources of calcium (such as almonds, beans, leafy greens and, for people who are not vegan, sardines). For people who use soy milk as a healthy source of isoflavones but who do not object to dairy in their diets, calcium is also available from cheese, yogurt and other dairy products. For more information, read Non-Dairy Sources of Calcium and Tips for Getting Enough Calcium.


Almond milk contains ground almonds and water. It’s a healthy alternative to cow’s milk, and contains more vitamins and minerals than soy and rice milks. Many people who’ve tried almond milk prefer the flavor of almond milk to that of soy and rice milk.

Soy milk contains a lot of protein, but doesn’t contain the high levels of vitamins and minerals found in almond milk, so it’s often fortified with calcium and vitamin D to bring is nutritional quality more on a level with fortified cow’s milk. Rice milk doesn’t contain much nutrition at all, so it’s usually also fortified with vitamin D, calcium and other nutrients. Both rice and soy milk are good milk alternatives for those who have milk allergies or are lactose intolerant, but you should buy manufactured rice and soy milk to insure that they’re properly fortified with the vitamins and minerals you need.

Because almonds are naturally very nutritious, almond milk doesn’t need to be fortified. You can make almond milk yourself at home, and it will have the same nutritional value as the almond milk available commercially.

I’m allergic to almonds, so I’m not going to go any further on this topic.  I have a lot of friends that LOVE their almond milk and if I wasn’t allergic, I probably would too.

Coconut milk contains water, coconut cream and several gums, including xanthan and guar gum. It has become quite popular in the past few years with the emergence of the Paleo diet.  There are many other health benefits of coconut milk including that it tastes great, is not gritty and acts very similarly to dairy milk in cooking. It’s also my choice of milk alternative, so I’m a little biased.  Coconut milk is still relatively new to the market and there is not many studies that have been done.

Coconuts are seen by some as a miracle food, helping protect and cure the body of internal and external ailments. Coconut milk has many uses, most of which build up the immune system and the body’s defenses. You can find coconut milk in the ethnic foods section of a local grocery store or make it at home.

Read more: Coconut Milk Health Benefits |

But any milk alternative that you choose, make sure it still doesn’t have any added sugars in it and that it’s what you LIKE to drink, not just what you think you should. Make every day fantastic!


Back on the wagon…


Ok, ok…it’s been a month.  I took November off.  And in hind sight, I really should have been posting how I was feeling in reverse.  But since it’s now December 1st, I am back on the wagon with more purpose and drive to get things done.  I’m not sure what I’m working towards, please give me some ideas of races and/or competitions that I could enter.  (Anywhere in Canada, west of Toronto)

At the beginning of November when the 40 day challenge was done, I was looking forward to ice cream, a slice of pizza and potato chips.  Did I indulge? I sure did.  And I felt….ok.  I measured myself and ended up losing 8 pounds of fat and a total of 4 inches.  Not so bad for adjusting what I was eating while still not going hard core at the Gym.  I went on vacation to Cuba on the 12th, where I worked out every day, went sea kayaking, swimming and got eaten alive by sand flies.  I did my best not to eat too much bread, but the dessert table got me! So as the week went on, I ate more and more.  When I got back home, I still continued to not watch what I was eating.  Having brown rice pasta, white sushi rice, a few pieces of millet toast, and on top of it all, I was not going to the gym and I was still smoking.  I felt horrible in the past two weeks.   Tired at 3 pm, headaches, bloating and chest pressure. My entire body seemed to feel like it was fusing together.  Tight joints-not good. So I decided to get back on the wagon today.

Back to clean eating, working out.  Making my health and life a priority.  If I put garbage in my body, it will feel like garbage.  I’m on Pinterest now, so please follow me:

Because I am wanting to lose more inches, I know that I need to really keep my heart rate up and doing Plyometric and Core exercises will not only be necessary, but will become habit.  And eating clean will be pertinent.  Wish me luck.

I'm back!