Anti-icandoit…an anti-candida trial

If you know me by now, you know that I’m always guinea pigging myself. 🐹🐭Testing out new fads and tricks to see how difficult or bogus they are. 

I’ve been on an anti-canadida diet for the past five days with a friend of mine. What is candida? A brief explanation is “a yeast or fungus-like bacteria that grows in your gut”.  It particularly likes sugar-any sugar; grains, the starchy stuff, fruits and of course the refined white stuff.  It can cause any reactions from depression and anxiety, bloating to reoccurring yeast infections and skin rashes.  It’s probably the cause of many ailments your doctor can’t diagnose, and yes, you probably have some. 

Now, I don’t have any overgrowth of candida in me, but I do bloat, (don’t we all ladies?) so for scientific research I’m in. 😳

There are tons of websites out there telling what you can and CAN’T eat, so I’m not going to go through them, but here are a few major ones.  Or what affected me. 

NO: grains- rice or wheat; fruits; no starchy vegetables: carrot, potatoes, yams; soy; caffeine: coffee or tea; no alcohol; nuts: peanuts, cashews, pistachios; no mushrooms. 

So what are you left with? Veggies and protein. Just no pork.  You need to be creative here. What have I been eating? Lots of salad. Lots of chicken. Eggs. Sounds like a pretty normal whole foods diet, doesn’t it?

Here’s the thing: because my blood sugar is so low, trying to kill the candida in my system, I have been so lethargic. 😣😴 normally, your ND will give you vitamins supplements to combat this. But alas, I have none.  Cold turkey.  So tired.  

I have gone through cravings of pizza, popcorn and especially fruit. Boy, how I miss fruit 🍓🍊🍋🍇🍉🍌🍈🍍🍐 I have noticed that I have really low blood sugar.  I’m lethargic. Colleagues think I’m angry. I don’t even have enough energy to laugh. My bloating hasn’t decreased and I am more anxious than when I started.  

I can see how this would be advantageous for anyone who actually had candida. The body would be living off the overgrowth of sugar in the body. Using up the stores, this is how people lose weight. It’s just not for me. 

So here’s a recap of you think you want to try this diet. 

  1. Remove all grains,(and I mean all) sugar, coffee, alcohol, refined foods, starchy vegetables from your diet. 
  2. Pack your fridge with leans meats and good vegetables. Make a meal plan that you will be able to follow. 
  3. Get on a really good probiotic. This will help your gut battle the bacteria and add good bacteria into your gut
  4. Get an anti-fungal supplement. This will help with die off
  5. Drink loads of water to flush your system out. 
  6. Reap the benefits. 

Here are some really good links to help you out: 

Foods to eat 😛

Foods to avoid 😣

One quick note ladies: your man is a carrier, so he should go on the diet with you! Good luck with that 😉

Eat well. Be heathy. See you in a heartbeat 💕

Cutting the Cheese

It’s half way in and I’m my own worst enemy.  This past weekend, as I watched the wildlings attack the wall, I was attacking a charcuterie platter.  Little did I know that yummy brie and gouda would add .7 cms to my waistline.  As I got my measurements taken yesterday, every spot was down EXCEPT for my waistline.  Long story short, dairy increases estrogen, which is catabolic and will reduce fat loss and NOT help my plea.  My gut was, is inflamed.  Not happy.  And I can tell.  No core strength. Bad form.  It’s horrible.

So what do I do? In a week it shall pass.  A week? To get rid of the cheese platter?  Man, it’s SO not worth it.  I am learning the body is a wondrous thing.  It heals itself by creating “inflammation” in an area; all the white blood cells gather together and heal.  It also creates inflammation when it doesn’t like something.  Inflammatory foods are the speed bumps in weight loss.  It’s why diet is 80% of the battle and why it’s so important to stay away from certain “food” groups.

Here are the Top to Avoid

1. SUGAR : Sugar is everywhere.  Limit processed foods, desserts and snacks with excessive sugar.  That includes refined flours and grains. “If it’s white and fluffy, it will make you puffy”

2. TRANS-FATS: “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” oils are a red light.  Trans-fats damage the lining of blood vessels and can lead you down the road of disease.  Your body cannot break down trans-fats and so they stay in your system.

3. COMMON OILS: Safflower, soy, sunflower, and corn; all of these oils promote inflammation and are made with cheaper products.

4. DAIRY: Milk is a common allergen that triggers inflammation.  Many people cannot digest dairy and this immediately causes inflammation.

5. FEEDLOT MEAT: These animals are fed corn and soy, grains that contain high inflammation.  They are also filled with excess fat and are injected with hormones and antibiotics.

7. ALCOHOL: Regular consumption can allow bacteria to enter intestinal lining causing irritation and inflammation.  Also when broken down, is just SUGAR.

8. OMEGA 6: The average person consumes more Omega 6 fatty acids than -3; this imbalance can lead to inflammation. Omega 3’s actually turn off the inflammatory messengers.

There’s also gluten, MSG and other additives, I could go on forever.   But cutting these out of your diet will decrease inflammation, stop the bloat and increase your energy and help to make that 6 pack even better. It’s been another week of learning.  Every day is new.  I live to tell the story.

Eat well.  Work hard.
See you in a heartbeat 💕