Cutting the Cheese

It’s half way in and I’m my own worst enemy.  This past weekend, as I watched the wildlings attack the wall, I was attacking a charcuterie platter.  Little did I know that yummy brie and gouda would add .7 cms to my waistline.  As I got my measurements taken yesterday, every spot was down EXCEPT for my waistline.  Long story short, dairy increases estrogen, which is catabolic and will reduce fat loss and NOT help my plea.  My gut was, is inflamed.  Not happy.  And I can tell.  No core strength. Bad form.  It’s horrible.

So what do I do? In a week it shall pass.  A week? To get rid of the cheese platter?  Man, it’s SO not worth it.  I am learning the body is a wondrous thing.  It heals itself by creating “inflammation” in an area; all the white blood cells gather together and heal.  It also creates inflammation when it doesn’t like something.  Inflammatory foods are the speed bumps in weight loss.  It’s why diet is 80% of the battle and why it’s so important to stay away from certain “food” groups.

Here are the Top to Avoid

1. SUGAR : Sugar is everywhere.  Limit processed foods, desserts and snacks with excessive sugar.  That includes refined flours and grains. “If it’s white and fluffy, it will make you puffy”

2. TRANS-FATS: “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” oils are a red light.  Trans-fats damage the lining of blood vessels and can lead you down the road of disease.  Your body cannot break down trans-fats and so they stay in your system.

3. COMMON OILS: Safflower, soy, sunflower, and corn; all of these oils promote inflammation and are made with cheaper products.

4. DAIRY: Milk is a common allergen that triggers inflammation.  Many people cannot digest dairy and this immediately causes inflammation.

5. FEEDLOT MEAT: These animals are fed corn and soy, grains that contain high inflammation.  They are also filled with excess fat and are injected with hormones and antibiotics.

7. ALCOHOL: Regular consumption can allow bacteria to enter intestinal lining causing irritation and inflammation.  Also when broken down, is just SUGAR.

8. OMEGA 6: The average person consumes more Omega 6 fatty acids than -3; this imbalance can lead to inflammation. Omega 3’s actually turn off the inflammatory messengers.

There’s also gluten, MSG and other additives, I could go on forever.   But cutting these out of your diet will decrease inflammation, stop the bloat and increase your energy and help to make that 6 pack even better. It’s been another week of learning.  Every day is new.  I live to tell the story.

Eat well.  Work hard.
See you in a heartbeat 💕

Teaching an old dog new tricks

Two week measurements…done! Down 2% body fat! Down 1 cm on the waist! Down! Down! Down! 😛💪

This program that I’m on is nothing new that I didn’t know before, but with some small adjustments, it sure makes a difference. As much as my last program was working before, it was month 4 and I needed to change things up. So I decided to get a trainer. Not only has she been great motivation, she is changing my world.

So, my new program, German Body Competition; consists of three phases: two workouts: three super sets x four sets each. It works both upper and lower body parts, keeping the body in anabolic mode, so you’re constantly burning fat, while keeping the heart rate up.
It consists of exercises you know how to do and are probably part of your current routine; but the small techniques make a huge difference.

The numbers lay out your tempo: eccentric-pause-concentric-pause
The weight you chose should be challenging enough, so the last few reps are difficult.

💪 Super set 1:
💪Leg curls: 1-1-3-0 / 12-15 reps 🔨engage glutes and hold at the top 🔨slowly release 🔨engage your feet
💪Neutral chest press 1-0-3-0 /15 reps 🔨ensure your shoulders are “hugging” the bench and you are pushing against the bench as you lift. 🔨Elbows slightly wider than wrists on when lowering. 🔨neutral grip

💪Super set 2:
💪Forward lunges with DB 1-1-3-0/12 each side 🔨 control on the way down. Think that you could stop at any moment
💪 Pronated lat pull downs 1-1-5-0/15 reps
🔨Pronated grip 🔨lean back slightly 🔨engage your shoulders and pull with your lats

💪Super set 3:
💪Dead lifts 1-0-3-0/12-15 reps 🔨wide grip 🔨lift with glutes and hamstrings not your back
💪Trap raises 1-1-3-0/15 reps 🔨STRAIGHT arms do not bend your elbows. this will burn.

Day 2
💪 Super set 1:
💪 Squats 3-1-1-0/20 reps 🔨25 lb plate
💪 Seated rows 1-1-3-0 /15 reps🔨straight back and legs 🔨shoulder blades engaged 🔨pull into chest

💪 Super set 2:
💪 45 degree back extensions 1-1-5-0 🔨15 reps🔨start in a downward dog position 🔨lift to 45 degrees 🔨slowly release
💪 Dumbbell raises 1-1-3-0 /15 reps🔨arms at 90 degrees 🔨knees slightly bent and core engaged 🔨lift straight up

💪Super set 3:
💪 Leg press 1-1-3-0 /20reps🔨no bouncing at the top..control all the way through
💪 Oblique crunches 3-0-3-0/15 each side

Seems like a lot to do, but the entire workout is 45 mins. And you feel the burn with the correct form.

On a side note, the 1 cm waist loss may or may not be due to me removing my belly button ring….I’m just sayin’. Anyhow you see it, that’s HUGE for two weeks!