Water up!

They say you should drink 8 cups of it a day. So, 1 cup is 250 mL x8=2000mL which is 2 liters. That’s not too bad. I’ve already had 750…easy peasy. But what if you drink too much water or not enough?

Our bodies are made up 72.8% water. When we sweat or defecate, we lose water. If we don’t replenish it, we feel fatigued, constipated, and just unwell. So drinking it throughout the day is important. The water in or bodies contains electrolytes, a mixture of sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and phosphates…it is an electrical conduit for brain synapses and helps our bodies work. So what’s the best way to replenish this liquid gold? There are so many options on the market. The bad ones: the Gatorades that are full of sugar and chemicals, the natural coconut waters and the natural electrolyte mixtures. You can also make your own concoction at home.

The good:
Coconut water: it’s on all of the store shelves these days but I wonder why they all taste different. My favorite brand: Be. Tauted to take 20 minutes from tree to processing, it tastes the closest to the real thing. Not too sugary and comes in different flavors. Other good electrolyte drinks are Heed, Vega, or Ultima; these drink powders are filled with actual electrolytes and other minerals to replace your balance.

The bad:
Gatorade, powerade, Vitamin water…all of these “power” drinks are filled with sugar, HFCS, food coloring, corn starch among many other preservatives that you amount be consuming. The low calorie ones are even worse. Don’t reach for one of these.

My choice: Nuun. It’s a fizzy tablet that dissolves in water. Comes in a range of flavors and is sugar-free. I take them on vacation all the time to regulate my electrolytes.

Or just grab some regular h2O, it works just as well. You can infuse it with fresh fruit and herbs to enhance the flavor and change it up. Add some loose leaf green tea and you’ve got a great option. Whatever your choice, make it a healthy one.

Eat well. Work hard.
See you in a heartbeat 💕

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